Sunday 4 February 2018

Design docs: taking into account all scenarios

When designing a UI/UX (web or mobile) how do you account for all scenarios? Do you have some kind of checklist?

Lately I'm getting a bit frustrated with myself because I design and write a product document trying to explain everything happening in screens within a flow (what happens when there is no connect, when there is no connection, etc.), send it to the devs and QA to review and they always find new things I haven't thought about so I have to redo/rewrite that section.

A dev colleague tells me that experience makes thinking and taking into account more scenarios but I'm two years into this ui/ux position and I feel frustrated I'm wasting everyone's time when this happens.

Any tips?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted February 05, 2018 at 04:41AM by alexcamlo

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