Sunday 11 February 2018

The Olympics have been using the same on screen graphics for scoreboards for over 15 years. Why do they refuse to change them?

If you go all the way back to Torino 2006, you'll see that OBS (Olympic Broadcasting Services) was using almost exactly the same on screen graphics for scoreboards as they are this year.

Torino 2006

Vancouver 2010

London 2012

Rio 2016

You can tell they're all using the same template and adding/removing tiny little design elements here and there each year, rather than an overhaul. It frustrates me because they're not that good. They use title case and capitals for everything and Arial Narrow Italic, of all the things to use. Everything is italic!

The branding each year is great, but the host is not responsible for the on screen graphics. OBS are responsible. They ruin it by using the same tired graphics. I'd love to know why they haven't looked at a proper redesign in nearly two decades.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted February 11, 2018 at 08:29PM by anagoge

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