Tuesday 31 July 2018

Art gallery, arts , social critic, clothing

Ladys and gentlemen, i created this website with the objective of creating a brand that pretends to be revolutionary.

No social correct, no bullshit, the objective is go to the core of the problems that affect out modern society and exposing those problems trough art, spiritualism, and marketing. The brand englobes different areas, so if you like the concept and you are interested in an serious collaboration , send an email to [eridu1universe@gmail.com](mailto:eridu1universe@gmail.com), or just chat with me.

check the website www.eridu1universe.com to see this concept developing with your eyes and mind. Lets make magic happen.

Good vibes to everybody

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted July 31, 2018 at 03:46PM by newbornXXI https://ift.tt/2M4VmO0

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