I see that UX/UI design is fast becoming a central focus of contemporary design, which is logical because that's where the jobs apparently are.
However, I get absolutely zero charge from looking at mockups for applications and interfaces. I suppose that since I'm only marginally interested in web design and totally uninterested in app design, that it only makes sense that the design of their interfaces would interest me even less.
So will I be a dinosaur if I don't adapt and learn this stuff, or at least fake an interest in it? Is there any way I could learn to get excited by UX/UI in the way I am about posters, logos, color and type?
Are the rest of you on board with UX/UI becoming a load-bearing column of the field of design? Is this simply the way of the future, or just a new aspect that people need to get used to (like web design became over the past two decades)? Do you get excited and inspired by looking at grids of tiles and icons in a way that I am not getting?
Great design resource
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