Thursday 5 July 2018

How do I convince my boss to let me redesign our company's logo?

So I'm the lead designer at a small tech company (around 30 people). I've been the only designer here for about 4 years, the company is 10 years old. Since starting here I've redesigned pretty much every aspect of the brand except for the logo.

The logo isn't absolutely terrible, but it is dated. It's got swooshes and gradients which very clearly place it in 2010 (when it was probably made) for anyone with even a basic interest in branding or design. I've been wanting to redesign the logo for a long time, but it hasn't been a battle I've wanted to tackle yet. My boss is very adverse to spending money, and there's no way I could redesign the logo without spending at least some money to replace a lot of the stuff we have the logo printed on. It wouldn't be a lot but it would still be money spent.

Now, our company just got a bunch of investment money and we're going to be growing a lot in the next year. We've signed the lease on a new office about 3x the site we're at now, and I feel like if we're ever going to update that logo, now's the time to do it since we'll likely be spending money on signage and stuff for the new space.

I want to redesign this logo, but I'm really just not sure how to approach it with my boss. I need to make a case for why the old logo is in need of replacement - he's not just going to want to do it on a whim. He's very much a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" kind of guy, especially when money is involved.

The most I can think to do right now is to try writing up a proposal for why it should happen. Try to make a ballpark guess of the amount of money it would cost to replace our printed items. A ballpark guess of the amount of time it would take me to update our logo on our websites and all of our marketing materials, etc. I was also thinking I could have some basic ideas for a new logo already ready to show, so I'm not just pitching a theoretical new logo - I already have some to show.

Is there anything else I can do to help convince him? Any good articles I could link to that show hard data on how it benefits a company to not have a dated logo? Places where I can find examples of other companies at similar points in their growth who chose to redesign their logo?

TL;DR: My company's logo is old and dated. I want to redesign it but my boss is very frugal and adverse to change. What can I do to make the best case for redesigning?

Any advice would be great!

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted July 05, 2018 at 09:56PM by geoman2k

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