Friday 6 July 2018

How to deal with student plagiarism

I'm an industrial designer that graduated last year. I was lucky enough to have my final major project exhibited at a graduate exhibition last year, featuring many other universities along with my own. I managed to also have my project featured quite thoroughly in various design magazines and websites, and it is currently exhibiting in a museum too.

However, whilst visiting the same exhibition this year, I discovered that someone has pretty much carbon copied my design for their major project. The function is the same, the aesthetics are the same, and even little details on the product (branding methods, material choices, etc.) are the same too. I'm not going to post pictures or out the person, but needless to say that quite a few different people, including my university tutors and the public who follow my work, have all sent me messages comparing the two.

I've emailed the course director to basically say 'can you please sort this out', and they responded with pretty much 'tough, this student did their project with no direct reference to yours', as if plagiarism works that way.

I'm not too sure about next steps. I can understand seeing designs similar to mine online, but I think it's crazy that someone would try to blatantly copy my work and then exhibit at the same exhibition I was in. I could just say 'yeah fine whatever', but at the same time I don't want someone to profit from my work. What's the best thing to do?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted July 06, 2018 at 04:13PM by flatulentgypsy

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