Wednesday 4 July 2018

How to solicit for design work?

My wife started an S-corp to run her own occupational therapy company and needs a logo. How would you advise approaching the /r/Design community with such a request? My brother is a designer and we've done some work with him in the past, but he's crazy busy now as the chair of an academic art department.

Based on past experience (and I don't mean to frame the conversation, if these are the wrong nouns and verbs and organization, please correct), I think I am representing her position to say she would like

  • to discuss the project with the designer so they understand her goals, (she has words, but no pictures in her mind that she could scribble out to get someone started)

  • reserve the option to iterate on the design (what's a fair way to do this without driving the designer insane? Three iterations, cost per iteration?), and

  • acquire all rights to the design, including the original works (e.g. the vector graphics files, not just a PDF of each product), and have some standard products (business cards, letterhead, etc). But she also has no interest in using Adobe design products, so would need someone to do that work later. But at least she has the option of using someone else later if the initial relationship doesn't work out.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted July 04, 2018 at 08:00PM by Grep2grok

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