Monday 16 July 2018

Work wanting to use my personal brand color for their new branding. Need advice.

So I started a job a little over a month ago. I graduated from college this year. I have my own personal branding for my website, my business cards, Etsy, everything. I use a cool dark gray blue color in my branding.

At my job, they decided they wanted to rebrand and all the designers came up with new logos. Mine ended up being picked from several designs and several color schemes. The one they chose was a cool bright blue. I mocked it up in a business card design to show the higher ups. With it, I attached my personal business card so show an example of the spot gloss and soft touch finishes I was proposing. They decided they liked my blue better and now they’re pushing for that to be used. My supervisor took my card to match it to a Pantone chip and I was a little hesitant but decided I didn’t really care. But now the more I think about it, I do care. Color is really important to me. I spent weeks choosing the perfect color for my branding and I’m in love with it. Now I feel like as I work on this rebrand I’ll be resentful towards it.

Should I say something or let it go?

I want to be excited my logo got picked especially as I’ve just started working here, but i can’t. I feel like I’m being silly but, like I said, color is very important to me in a design and this feels like it’s MY blue.

Please help me, I need advice.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted July 16, 2018 at 07:03PM by pottymouthgrl

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