Friday 18 September 2015

Question about copyright

Is embedding video players onto your website illegal, or considered copyright? I googled around and I couldn't find anything saying it's illegal, but given a website like this for example: - Is what they're doing illegal or does it break any laws ? Assuming they didn't upload any episodes or videos themself and each individual player is purely embedded into the page through HTML's <iframe src=""> is that allowed, legally?

I assumed for the longest time it was legal, and while I was taking classes for web design I asked and they said embedding players is legal, not to mention websites like twitter and facebook auto-embed links, I'd assume it's legal, right? I can totally understand distributing other peoples content via torrents and uploading the content yourself being illegal, but if you're just sharing a video via embedding - is there anything wrong with that, legally speaking? Sources would be great, if you can find any.


Epic visual tool

Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector Submitted September 18, 2015 at 09:55AM by IAMDRLECTER

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