Sunday 2 April 2017

How to easily make 3D in-situ concepts ft. people and props?

I'm a graphic designer with limited 3D modeling experience. I frequently have to submit proposals of new concepts for my work. I resort to Photoshopping photos but am never happy with the outcome. I'd prefer the flexibility and aesthetic of 3D renders. The difficulty comes when trying to show users in specific poses. For example, standing in front of and reaching out to interact with a large touch screen. Or positioning a banner on the left side of an LED screen which is showing proposed content.

Are there any good tools for quickly mocking things like this up? Maybe with libraries of people and assets that can be modified?

Another example might be creating a render of an LED screen attached to a trailer behind a specific model of car with some people holding iPads in front of it, out the front of a sports stadium. I'd typically have 1.5-2hrs for this kind of task.


Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted April 02, 2017 at 12:19PM by D3K91

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