Saturday, 8 April 2017

Oddball Order of Operations Question

I'm working on a design competition entry due tomorrow and getting my final submittal board ready to send in. I'm not sure what the best order of operations is to produce it though and would love to know if someone has some experience that might give me a clue. Rough idea of what has been created so far:

  • 3D modeling in Rhino to produce TIFF images of my project

  • Modified those TIFFs in GIMP to add some people and post-processing

  • 2D line drawings done in AutoCAD

  • Hand drawn sketches in charcoal and painted ink, scanned in.

  • Final board put together in paperspace of AutoCAD (I don't have illustrator or inDesign) to combine various images and linework, as well as final text blurb.

  • Print as a high quality PDF.

Here is where I am looking for some tips on production of my final board. Note that final board must be a 24x36" JPG file, no greater than 5MB. Kind of odd requirement, I know. I would much prefer to submit a PDF to better preserve linework and text, but I didn't make the rules.

So my final conversion steps are such:

  • Import final PDF into GIMP for some final post-processing and conversion to JPG.

I am unsure of if I should import the PDF to GIMP at a very high DPI (300 - print quality) and then reduce the produced JPG quality to like 78% to get it to 5MB, OR import the PDF at a lower DPI like 150 or 100 and export the JPG at up around 95%-100% quality.

I guess it comes down to which of those processes is going to harm my image least. I have no idea. Anyone have experience with this? If it's relevant, the JPGs submitted are then going to be plotted on a 24x36" page for comparison by a panel of judges.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted April 08, 2017 at 08:48PM by PostPostModernism

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