Tuesday 4 April 2017

[X-POST r/gamedev] How or where do you store your binary assets?

This is aiming at larger studios that have their version control process already set up. In dealing with designers, composers, etc. we've often run across work they created that during the course of development (or development finishing and entering into maintenance phase) that work got lost in the depths of our company file storage (using network shares and folder structures many layers deep). Trying to find files that weren't touched in a long time often becomes an issue, with sometimes files even deleted because the IT guys decided to deprecate an older file storage system and no one thought of the files still laying there. So I was wondering whether there was an alternative solution to storing these binary assets, maybe somewhere you could tag and name them properly so that searching doesn't become a hassle. So far I haven't found a good solution to this issue. There's things like Zeplin for Photoshop and Sketch assets, but even these tools are not storage for raw content rather than offering formatted and altered files or often not even offering the ability to download the underlying original PSD or Sketchfile. We thought about managing these assets through git, but even with things like annex or LFS, uploading files many megabytes large cripples git after a short amount of time. So do you guys know of any other solution to this issue? I'd love to hear how you manage large asset files (other than storing them in folder structures under Windows/OSX, etc. ;) )

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted April 04, 2017 at 01:33PM by Christoph680 http://ift.tt/2oUTOKB

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