Hey r/design,
I've just been commissioned to design a wedding favor for this couple getting married in like a month and a half (yeah, they suck for the time crunch, but whatever, they're good friends of mine.) They want me to design a beer label for a beer that he's brewing for their guests. Sweet!
So I met with them, got what all the details and color samples and such. Now here's the hard part. I have the swatches and such, however, my computer screen is garbage. I've tried calibrating the fucker so many times and I've gotten it a little better but it's still shows pretty differently in print and on other screens. How would you suggest I compensate for that? I have a ball park guess as to how much I need to correct, but not enough to be accurate so eyeballing it isn't really an option. My scanner isn't cooperating, so that isn't really an option either, and I've never used it so I have no idea if it would be accurate any way.
The colors are "cream" and "shell pink." Think I should just find the color online, import an image and eye drop toll dat biotch orrrrr? I also have the Adobe Capture app on my phone, but that also seemed to be coming out significantly darker.
HALP! And thanks in advanced!
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