Sunday 21 May 2017

I'm really stuck for inspiration, and my mind has gone into complete mind-block.

So I'm supposed to be designing a logo for an event stupidly named "Time and Space". I'm going for a typography based logo that can be subtly manipulated to go on a website home page, a poster, and a banner. The only problem is that I am literally dry for inspiration, and I have been for the last two weeks.

I have created barely anything, and my mind is completely blank. I have looked at a lot of typography examples, and yet nothing sticks. The name "Time and Space" is so stupidly plain and mundane that I can't necessarily source any creative imagery in my mind that is related to the theme of time and space. I experimented with different type styles I saw on pinterest, but I felt as though I was just copying what others had done with no real integrity or effort of my own. And it's driving. me. nuts.

I suppose my question is; what does one do to work their way around a mind block? I've listened to music, I've watched movies, I've done most of the things that I take inspiration from and yet I'm still on the drawing board. In fact, there's not even a drawing board.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted May 21, 2017 at 11:53AM by DonnieDarkoRabbit

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