Saturday, 2 January 2016

Is wordpress the right solution for me?

Hi everyone. I'm doing a startup that will probably require me to make multiple for small local businesses with only small variances in styling other than colour, font and images etc and I'm wondering whether or not wordpress is the right solution for me.

I'm an experienced web developer with plenty of experience and fluently know php, javascript, css and html. I am use to making custom/handcoded websites from scratch for clients but this new startup will require not require each site to be hand tailored perfectly for each clients needs.

What I would like to know is whether it is worth the effort to learn to use wordpress and develop my own theme to make use of when styling these websites. I have no experience with wordpress but as previously mentioned, I do have a lot of knowledge in what seems to be the "building blocks" of wordpress. Will wordpress be difficult to learn and worth my time? Is another platform like drupal a better option?

TL;DR Is it worth it for me to learn to use wordpress to make multiple websites or just make my own template from scratch and make edits to it.

Epic visual tool

Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector Submitted January 02, 2016 at 12:40PM by AETech

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