I live in a city of about 400,000 so there's lots of local business. From trades to food & entertainment, you name it.
Anyway, 90% of sites are garbage. They are the 15 year old looking sites with the 900px width and aren't even responsive. Just all around bad websites, very bad websites. (and the developers website are horrrrrrible. Like... embarrassing.)
What I'm thinking a decent way to approach companies is to pitch it along these lines:
"Hey, I saw your website and noticed it's a little outdated. I see it's not mobile friendly and around 70% all traffic today is done via mobile devices. Often, people will leave your site and go elsewhere if your site lacks some of these functions. Also, your website represents how you present yourself to the world. It works for you 24 hours a day. Wouldn't it be great to have it looking and functioning as best it can? Making the best impressions on customers and turning over as much business as possible? If you ever think about updating or have any questions please feel free to call me or setup a meeting and we can talk about your needs and goals. I'd be happy to help make your website great."
Is this too aggressive to approach businesses like this?
If there a better approach or an ideal approach?
Have you done something like this > what's worked? what hasn't?
End of the day, I want to hit up every website in town that is outdated until I've checked them all off the list. It's ok if they say no, I will always expect a no. But I just want to go about this the most diplomatic way but also letting them know there website is outdated, and not passive aggressively, just being straight up. I understand a lot of companies don't care how awful their website is, so it'd be nice to educate them on how it's not the best idea to have a really poor website.
What are your thoughts on going about this type of "cold approach" of getting new business?
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