Way back when, in the the early 2000's fresh out of college I worked as support at a web hosting company. I dabbled in front end design, graphics, and hardware. Ultimately I went the hardware route which spiraled into a career in infrastructure.
16 years laters, I am coming to realize I have more of interest in design / coding. The last tools I used for design was dream weaver ( which is now apparently the devil) lol.
Design has evolved so much since then and I pretty much lost on where to begin.
I am literally starring over from scratch using notepad++. I figured that was the best way to fully understand how all the pieces fit. I have been reading about sublime and atom.
Are they the best tools right now?
I am currently working on a home dashboard to get started. Thus far I have the page up, pulling the contents from Google calendar via their api and some js for parsing and output( not just an ugly embed link).
The weather from forecast io and some links to plex, my synology, etc. I don't really like the way it all actually looks though.
I am overwhelmed with info. Do I use bootstrap? Do I use straight html, linking to css? Local or remote graphics and fonts?
Arghhh so confusing. I know I am ranting , but hopefully I am at least making a little bit some sense. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Epic visual tool
Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector
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