Tuesday 29 December 2015

any of ya play piano?

I'm kiiinda trying to design a new standard notation format. I would think that'd be kind of a fun design problem. But really I'm lookin for somebody to just help me out with icons to start off.

The terrible-ish stuff I have so far is on my website... http://ift.tt/1PvMbV1

I'm a lone developer, but I'm very willing to pay, just not what a huge corporation would.

I'd =really= like to come across a designer who also plays piano and has an interest in re designing sheet music. I mean, we have common music notation - the standard. But I think a little color and motion could spruce it up quite a bit...

Soooo here i am on reddit asking for tips. That's kinda what ya do here, right?

Oh and the icons would be along the lines of...

[ start of loop [* start of already learned loop ] end of loop ( start of skipped bars ) end of skipped bars ppp pp p mp mf f ff fff overall volume Fz forzando (short forceful accent) < start crescendo <| end crescendo > start decrescendo >| end " . stacatto ~ rolled chord :( tough section 

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted December 29, 2015 at 11:16PM by pianocheetah http://ift.tt/1Pw9egt

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