Tuesday 29 December 2015

w3snoop lists a website at $25,000 sale value, with 647,727 monthly visitors and $2,105 monthly income. how is this income made?

this is an example website i looked up on w3snoop (a website traffic stat search engine). The website I searched is an informational forum on travel. Here are the full statistics for that site:

Purchase/Sale Value: $25,255 USD Daily Revenue: $69 USD Monthly Revenue:$2,105 USD Yearly Revenue: $25,245 USD Daily Unique Visitors: 21,281 Monthly Unique Visitors:647,727 Yearly Unique Visitors:7,767,565

The monthly earnings/monthly visitor ratio is .3 cents/1 visitor.

Is this cash from ads? Is that a reasonable ad-generated ratio of income/visitors for having ads on a website, with that sort of traffic?

Epic visual tool

Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector Submitted December 30, 2015 at 01:27AM by figtarr http://ift.tt/1krrSLx

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