Monday 4 January 2016

Building a static site with Metalsmith

Hey all,

This long weekend I decided I wanted to try out Metalsmith to build a static site. For those who haven't tried it, Metalsmith simply takes a collection of files and runs plugins on them to modify the output. In my case I used it as a build tool to compile Sass, minify my assets, autoprefix the css, and also to build out my static blog posts and portfolio posts.

So far, I love it! I'm used to building with frameworks or using php includes to simulate layout partials. But, Metalsmith has freed all this up and lets me work with static HTML files again, which is really nice.

I'd love your thoughts/opinions from a front-end design standpoint, but also if you have any back-end developer suggestions for the repo please send them my way.

View the website at:

Check out the repo to see my build setup (and copy it for yourself) at:

Epic visual tool

Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector Submitted January 04, 2016 at 05:31PM by ovdojoey

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