Tuesday 1 December 2015

Gamification / storytelling websites?

I am currently working on an application and the project is very fitting for a storytelling kind of concept. Currently I am seeking example websites with a bit of a mild cartoony / game design storytelling way of guiding users and giving them incentives.

It's pretty hard to find these kind of websites so I am wondering if people here might know some of these examples. If you have something that might not exactly fit my description you are more than welcome to post as well.

This is my first time working out something as detailed as this so I would be pretty helpful to have some guideline examples / inspiration.

Any help is welcome :)

Epic visual tool

Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector Submitted December 01, 2015 at 09:20AM by TurnToDust http://ift.tt/1MT9gOH

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