Sunday 29 November 2015

How do you feel about fads and trends? Also: know any examples where they were used really well?

For example, I'm seeing those splash screens you scroll off of into the content EVERYWHERE. Also huge vertical-parallax single-pagers. Etc.

Part of me knows popular things are popular for a reason, but part of me also knows that, often, that reason is shit.

The other day I realized that if your website is one big collection of trends and fads, it means you basically care more about fitting in than standing out...but then again, if I came across a site that just rejected any trend at all that wasn't 100% the most practical idea, I'd think the designer had a superiority complex.


EDIT: Oh, right - can you think of anywhere that a trend was used really well, or subverted in a clever way, or something? Or - a site that NEEDED that fad, nothing else would work?

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