Friday 27 November 2015

How long till i start doing 500+ dollars per month with webdesign freelancing?

So, i need money real quick because i will have to start working in 2 or 3 months and 500 dollars are pretty much enough to live comfortable in my country alone (food, one bedroom apt, gym, internet, cable tv, supplements, college and all of that).

Ive been learning html + css for 2 weeks and im pretty good at html but only know the basics of css. Right now im still learning css watching some video classes, doing a coursera course and "playing" on sublime text. Didnt build anything yet other than a simple static website. I plan to learn JavaScript in the next months too.

Also, what should i learn first for building websites in this early stage? Bootstrap? Should i use Wordpress too? Is Dreamweaver really not worth because of the low quality code?

I should say that im in no way trying to learn only the basic stuff, its because i really need it asap. Im starting a "web systems" focused associate course next year (php, algorythms, web programming, basic math, some design/communication stuff etc) and i will need to pay for it too, which is 120 dollars per month.

Sorry for bad englando.

Epic visual tool

Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector Submitted November 27, 2015 at 06:13PM by reptar_xd

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